The story presented below has been adapted from Genesis chapter 20. It is presented in the form of a "gotulpata".
Audio file
Abram-Abimelech story
The Bible stories below are all in the Madia Gond language. Listen to them to get to know the land and people of the Bible, and most important, the God of the Bible.

0-Introduction | 01-How World begun | 02-The first man | 03-Fall of man | 04-Two brothers | 05-The flood | 06-Many languages | 07-Call of Abraham | 08-God promised Abraham | 09-Abraham's mistake | 10-Birth of Issac | 11-Abraham's test | 12 -God helps Jecob | 13-The dreamer boy | 14 -Joseph in prison | 15-Joseph is ruler of Egypt | 16-Joseph's dreams come true | 17-Joseph's brothers | 18-Jacob moves to Egypt | 19-After 400 years | 20-The boy in the basket | 21-Moses escapes | 22-God call Moses | 23-"Let my people go!" | 24-Killing Angel | 25-Path inside sea | 26-Food from above | 27-Water from a rock | 28-Moses with God on the mountain | 29-Ten commandments | 30-Golden calf | 31-God's worship place | 32-The 12 spies | 33-Brass snake | 34-Balam's greed | 35-Rahab helps the spies | 36-Crossing the Jordan river | 37-Wall of Jericho falls | 38-Distribution of the land | 39-Israel forget God | 40-Gideon breaks the pagan altar | 41-Gideon asks for a sign | 42-Gideon wins victory | 43-Samson's power | 44-The trials of Job | 45-Ruth's obedience | 46-God helps Ruth | 47-Birth of Samuel | 48-God called Samuel | 49-Israel wants king | 50-Shepherd became king | 51-David the psalmist | 52-David and Goliath | 53-Saul troubles David | 54-David becomes king | 55-David's sin | 56-Plans for a temple | 57-Solomon's prayer | 58-Solomon's wisdom | 59-Queen of Sheba | 60-Building of temple | 61-Israel's backslide | 62-Elijah obeys God | 63-Elijah's victory | 64-Righteous man's prayer | 65-Elisha's miracles | 76-Messiah comes | 77-God's great promise | 78-Know Jesus