Melodious Christian songs in Madia to stir your heart and bring you closer to God.

King Jesus is my temple | You are the loving God | Cuckoo sings | Depending on U | Jesus is the saviour | Jesus is alive | Jesus loves children | Come with me to Jesus' house | Listen O young people | Life is short | Fear not | God's son is born | Shepherds dancing | Come to worship Jesus | It is by this that we live and die | To be mindful of you alone | When Jesus came into my life | Today King Jesus is calling you | How good it is in the Father's house | God of gods | If you look at the world | You will never leave me | If you know King Jesus | Where shall I go? | Jesus I am your little lamb | Come sit and listen | The Lord made the world like this | Today or tomorrow Jesus will come | Make place for the Spirit | I will suffer for Jesus | I will go with Jesus | 02-I am worshiping | 22-Rejoice in the birth of Jesus | 20-Jesus is the Living God | 21-Life is meaningless without you | 49-येसुना वचने जीवाता अग़ि | 44-येसु देवुळ वातोग़ तमो | 42-पापि मान्वन पिसिह कीयलाह मान्वल आसि वातिन येसु | 41-नेंडतेला, नाळितेला येसु वायनोग़ | 36-आत्मा नीवा एरे वास्ता जागा दोर्कवेके मल्स दास्ता | 35-क्रुसगुटातगा नेतुर पोङता | 33-जीवा नना ईतन येसुह्कु | 24-सिंगर्दीपते दायना इतेके | 22-येसु देवुळ जीवाता देवुळ, देवुळतुनु मोळ्कल | 21-येसु किर्सतल माकु वेहतह्तोग़ | 20-मोल्का वंजिना पंटा ऊळाट | 19-मुने-मुने जागा-बूमितुन | 18-मावा येसु सिंगर्दीपते मन्ह्तोग़ | 1-आ आ आ आ हलेलुया, कलियिसि ओयकल